Edel-Juice can help you make your growing and farming more sustainable. It is an organic fertilizer that reduces the need for non-organic alternatives such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Edel-juice is durable and has a very good storage life of 6-12 months. This is a significantly longer shelf life time compared to existing products on the market, such as Compost tea – which only lasts for a few days.
Can be used in all kinds of systems,: indoors gardening, outdoor production, Vertical gardening and hydroponic systems
Accelerates growth and increases stress tolerance
The potential of Edel-Juice as a liquid plant amendment has been tested on selected vegetables and the results show that it:

Contains important microbes important for soil health.

Improves plant stress tolerance.

Edel-Juice can be used by:
- Indoors gardening
- Outdoor production
- Vertical gardening
- Hydroponic systems
- Private growers and urban agriculture
- Environment/ecosystem friendly plant production activities